Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Angelina Jordan Astar

Angelina Jordan Astar known professionally as Angelina Jordan is a Norwegian singer, that won the 2014 season of Norway's Got Talent, at the age of nine, singing class jazz pieces, including ''Fly me to the Moon''.
She discovered YouTube when she was one and a half years old. She used the platform to find her favorite songs growing up. She loves jazz songs and she used her weekends to sing those, for her family. A characteristic of this talented girl is that she always sings barefoot on stage. But why? Her mum in a view tells the story. Angelina has previously lived in other countries and, one day abroad,she met a poor woman barefoot on the beach that loved a lot her shoes so she decided to give her the shoes. So she does that for all the womans that don't have the possibility to buy shoes.
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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The legend of mistletoe

The tradition of  kissing under the mistletoe comes to the legend of Goddess Frigga, the Goddess of love, and her son Balder, the God of summer sun. Once, Balder dreamt of his death, so the mother, Frigga was worried, not only for her son but also for the life of Earth, because she knew that without her son, all life on Earth would come to an end. So Frigga tried to find a plant that cure her son, but she didn't find nothing. However, Loki, the God of evil, enemy of Balder, knew that there was one plant that Frigga forgot: the mistletoe. Loki made an arrow and placed a sprig of this plant and obliged Hoder, the blind brother of Balder, the God of the Winter, to shoot him this arrow. Balder immediately died. For the next three days, only Frigga revived Balder with the help of mistletoe. Her tears on the plant became pearly white berries and she decided that anyone who stands under the mistletoe would never be harmed and would kiss a person, as a took of love.
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Climate change

The effects of climate change are becoming more numerous. With the climate change we have storms, hurricanes, cyclones and the melting of g...